Eazfuscator.NET versions

Add protection to your Visual Studio source code
Apr 10, 2024
Jan 22, 2023
Apr 12, 2022
Sep 17, 2021
Jan 6, 2021
Oct 11, 2020
Jul 23, 2020
Aug 24, 2018
Mar 23, 2016
Dec 5, 2015
Jul 22, 2015
May 31, 2015
Mar 28, 2015
Oct 24, 2014
Aug 17, 2014
May 21, 2014
Mar 24, 2014
Mar 11, 2014
Jan 24, 2014
Dec 2, 2013
Dec 5, 2013
Sep 23, 2013
Jul 22, 2013
May 20, 2013
Apr 13, 2013
Jan 22, 2013
Oct 14, 2012
Apr 14, 2012
Oct 10, 2011
Jan 28, 2012
Aug 25, 2011
Feb 18, 2011
May 27, 2010
Oct 22, 2009
Sep 28, 2009
May 24, 2009

What's new

v2022.1 [Apr 12, 2022]
- Preliminary support for .NET 7.0.
- JetBrains Rider 2021.3 support.
- Introduced EazfuscatorActiveConfigurations MSBuild property that allows to specify multiple build configurations eligible for obfuscation.
- Improved code virtualization.
- Improved --ensure-obfuscated command-line option: multi-threaded processing, visual reporting, more detailed exit codes of a process.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed issue that could lead to "Unable to extract field definition from instruction operand" error during obfuscation.
- Fixed issue that could lead to a build error when using an obfuscated assembly as a reference in a C /CLI project.
- Fixed issue that could lead to unverifiable code when using dynamic expressions on interface types.
- Fixed issue that could lead to TypeLoadException in obfuscated .NET 6.0 binaries compiled with ReadyToRun.
- Fixed issue that could lead to BadImageFormatException during ReadyToRun image generation.
- Fixed issue that could lead to ArgumentException when using application settings in obfuscated projects targeting .NET Core or .NET 5.0 .
- Fixed issue with anonymous types that could occur after assembly merging.
- Fixed issue with .NET Standard 2.1 assembly merging.
- Fixed issue with code inlining that could lead to "Cannot bind method" error at runtime.
- Fixed multiple issues with custom attributes.
- Fixed issue when MSBuild integration might not work for Visual Studio versions 2012 and 2013.

v2020.3 [Oct 11, 2020]
- .NET 5.0 support.
- JetBrains Rider 2020.2 support.
- Improved .NET Standard 1.0 - 2.1 support.
- Improved performance during obfuscation of .NET Core and .NET Standard assemblies.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed issue with dynamic expressions that could lead to BadImageFormatException error during runtime.
- Fixed issue that could lead to inconsistent renaming of fields with compiler-controlled accessibility.
- Fixed issue with enabling code virtualization in Unity projects with .NET Standard backend.
- Fixed PDB serialization issue that could lead to "Too many directory blocks" error during obfuscation.
- Fixed VM issue with structures passed by reference that could lead to an error during obfuscation.
- Fixed several issues that caused .NET Native tool-chain to fail on obfuscated assemblies.
- Fixed issue with closure conditional obfuscation variable not working for generic closures.
- Fixed issue that could lead to assembly resolution error during obfuscation of a .NET Standard assembly.
- Fixed CVE-2018-1002208 vulnerability in a component used by Eazfuscator.NET.

v2018.3 [Aug 24, 2018]
- .NET Core 2.1 support.
- Unity 2018.2 support.
- Out-of-the-box support for Fody and PostSharp build tools.
- Added ability to check for closure criteria in conditional obfuscation of types.
- Added ability to separately control obfuscation of method parameters with parameters renaming and optional parameters pruning directives.
- Added automatic expansion of script and environment variables specified in ilmerge custom parameters directive.
- 64 bit is now the preferred mode of Eazfuscator.NET operation.
- Improved Visual Studio integration.
- Improved JSON serialization support.
- Improved reflection analysis for scenarios involving enums.
- Improved debug renaming behavior for method arguments: they are now renamed in accordance to a debug pattern to simplify the obfuscation diagnostics.
- Significantly improved obfuscation speed for some edge-case scenarios.
- Fixed issue with generic methods overloading.
- Fixed issue with serialization of enum array values in custom attributes.
- Fixed issue with a ref return type of a method annotated by modopt/modreq modifiers.
- Fixed issue that could lead to breaking of an indexer property when declaring type implemented several interfaces that defined such a property.
- Fixed issue with handling of InternalsVisibleTo attribute that could lead to an unexpected auto-sealing of an internal class under specific conditions.
- Fixed XAML issue with binding to a static property using a type-qualified path.
- Fixed VM issue with typeof() expressions for generic type definitions.
- Fixed MSBuild integration issue with F# .NET Core and .NET Standard projects.

v5.0 [Jul 22, 2015]
Version 5.0 released on July 20, 2015
Visual Studio 2015 support
.NET Framework 4.6 support
Better metadata and code optimization. Added new hot spot optimizers
Improved reflection analysis
Improved XML documentation filter
Improved XML serialization support
Improved JSON serialization support
Improved Xamarin support
Fixed issues:
Fixed issue with partial name resolution of embedded strongly-named assemblies
Fixed VM issue with multidimensional arrays of complex value types
Fixed XAML issue with string format in binding expression
Fixed issue with XML documentation pruning for types derived from non-browsable types
Fixed issue with WinRT applications produced by Visual Studio 2015
Fixed issue with merging of Portable Class Libraries that target Windows 8.0, 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1
Fixed assembly merging issue with XAML resources
Fixed issue with generic type signatures that might occur during assembly merging

v4.9 [May 31, 2015]
- Visual Studio 2015 RC support. Please note that if you plan to use Visual Studio 2015 RC or higher for production purposes then Eazfuscator.NET version 4.9 or higher is the requirement.
- .NET Framework 4.6 support
- Improved obfuscation coverage of enums
- Improved virtualized code execution performance
- Improved MSBuild integration
- Fixed issues

v4.8 [Mar 28, 2015]
Visual Studio 2015 support
Improved Entity Framework support
Improved XML serialization support
Improved obfuscation coverage of imported COM types
Improved obfuscation coverage of web service proxy classes
Improved size efficiency of symbol names encryption
Improved debugging support.

v3.9 [Jul 22, 2013]
-Out of the box support for Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
-Improved support for JSON serializers
-Improved support for LINQ data context
-Added preliminary support for Xamarin projects
-Fixed issues

v3.7 [Apr 13, 2013]
New code optimizations
Out of the box support for SQL CLR assemblies
Improved XAML renaming
Eazfuscator.NET SDK for Java
Added immediate_load option for assembly embedding
Fixed issues: show

v3.6 [Jan 22, 2013]
-XAML renaming for Silverlight, Windows Phone and -WinRT applications
-Windows Phone 8 support
-Portable Class Libraries support
-Secure debugging
-Out of the box support for custom marshalers
-Improved XAML renaming for WPF applications
-Fixed NullReferenceException issue during obfuscation of some WPF applications
-Fixed assemblies merging for WPF assemblies
-Fixed renaming of custom attribute properties when attribute is defined in input assembly
-Fixed ClickOnce manifest updating for .NET 4.5 assemblies
-Fixed VM issue with nested exception handlers
-Fixed VM issue with nullable types
-Fixed VM issue with exceptions which are not derived from System.Exception
-Fixed VM issue with typeof() expressions

v3.4 [Apr 14, 2012]
Fixed minor issue with optimizer which can rarely lead to unverifable code generation

v3.3 [Oct 10, 2011]
- Code optimizer. Delivers great speed to your apps
- Control and data flow analysis. Delivers better reflection support
- Greatly improved support of self-hosted WCF services
- XNA 4 support
- Silverlight 5 support
- Windows SDK 8.0 support
- Visual Studio 11 support

v3.3 [Jan 28, 2012]
Peephole code optimizer. Delivers great speed to your apps
Control and data flow analysis. Delivers better reflection support
Silverlight 5 support
XNA 4 support
Greatly improved support of self-hosted WCF services
Neutral mode is the default one for assembly loader now. This solves architecture dependency issues, and now it is possible to obfuscate 64 bit assemblies on 32 bit machines
Fixed template method signature lookup issue
Fixed bug in template constraints rewriting
Fixed own satellite assemblies embedding issue introduced in 3.2
Fixed a reflection analysis issue for Windows Phone apps introduced in 3.2

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